Literally on the French-Italian border lies our delightful vacation home. It is meant for people who love nature and quiet, and who do not aspire to accommodation of the customary, utterly predictable kind. Situated at the western end of Liguria, the nearest town is Ventimiglia, the nearest village Olivetta.
In our house you feel what it is like to be in the middle of nature. About once every daylight hour you may hear a car or a scooter pass by, for the rest nothing but crickets, singing birds, falcons. In the night you hear squirrels rustle and owls rehearse forever their uhu’s. If you pay attention you find rare plants like wild bluebells, orchids, fragrant wild primroses.
Seemingly from afar but really from quite nearby you hear the water rustle of a little stream, named the Bevera, which is a delight to swim in over summertime. Only at the height of the summer period, the three weeks between mid-July and the second week of August, are a few more people (and their cars) around in the village. Although slightly more touristy then, it is still an oasis. Children enjoy this period because there are always other kids around to play with. Together with the grownups they may also attend the bar in Olivetta, where during vacation time foreigners and Italians sit fraternally together, and out of season the Italians only.